Glen Austin AH at a glance

About the suburb of Glen Austin AH
Glen Austin AH is a picturesque suburb in the Midrand area of Gauteng, South Africa. This area is known for its tranquil atmosphere, spacious properties, and convenient location.
Interesting facts about the history of Glen Austin AH
A Voortrekker named Daniel Erasmus pegged out the area now known as Midrand in the 19th century. After his passing, Daniel's granddaughter, Anne Erasmus, inherited land, including the Glen Austin area. Anne married Eustace Gain Austin in 1920; it is from this union that the name Glen Austin was derived. The suburb is 12.09 km² in size.
Schools in the area
Glen Austin AH has a range of educational facilities in and around the suburb. The area has public and private schools catering to primary and high school students. Some well-known schools include Glen Austin High School, Midrand Primary School, and Halfway House Primary School. There are also several preschools and nursery schools in the area, providing early education to children. Overall, Glen Austin AH offers a variety of education options for
families residing in the suburb.
Medical facilities in the area
Netcare Waterfall City Hospital is located about 5.5 km away from Glen Austin AH. This hospital is a state-of-the-art medical facility that offers a wide range of medical services, including emergency care, surgery, radiology, pathology, and oncology. In addition to the Netcare Waterfall City Hospital, there are several medical clinics in and around Glen Austin, AH. These clinics offer general medical services, including consultations,
diagnosis, and treatment of common illnesses and injuries. Some of the medical clinics in the area include Midrand Medical Centre, The Healthworx Clinic, and Intercare Glenfair.
Shopping centers and malls in the area
Glen Austin residents are spoiled with shopping destination options. These shopping centers offer a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment options for residents and visitors to enjoy. This list includes those nearest to home:
  • Mall of Africa
  • Waterfall Corner
  • Boulders Shopping Centre
  • Carlswald Lifestyle Shopping Centre
  • San Ridge Square
  • Crowthorne Shopping Centre
  • Kyalami on Main
  • Blue Hills Shopping Centre
  • Midrand City Centre
  • The Bridge Shopping Centre
Things to do and restaurants to visit in and around Glen Austin, AH.
1. Enjoy a picnic at the picturesque Glen Austin Bird Sanctuary.
2. Visit the Mall of Africa for a shopping spree.
3. Take a walk in Lesufi Park.
4. Go horse riding at Glen Austin Stables.
5. Enjoy a meal at Midpoint restaurant.
Distance to airports, main roads, and the CBD
OR Tambo International Airport is approximately 21.7 kilometers from Glen Austin, AH, with an estimated travel time of around 25 to 30 minutes, depending on traffic. On the other hand, Lanseria International Airport is located approximately 32 kilometers from Glen Austin AH, with an estimated travel time of around 30 to 35 minutes.
In addition to these two airports, several smaller private airports are located within a short driving distance of Glen Austin AH, which are suitable for private and chartered flights.
Glen Austin AH is well-connected to major roads and highways in the area. It is situated near the N1 highway, which provides easy access to Johannesburg, Pretoria, and other places in Gauteng. The R101 (Old Pretoria Road) also runs through the suburb, connecting it to the neighboring suburbs of Midrand, Olifantsfontein, and Centurion. The New Road offramp, located nearby, provides access to the Gautrain station and the Midrand CBD.
Glen Austin AH is approximately 8 kilometers away from the Midrand CBD.
Weather in Glen Austin AH
Glen Austin AH has a moderate climate, with warm summers and cool winters. The summers are typically sunny, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, while winters are relatively mild, with temperatures ranging from 5 to 20 degrees Celsius.
The area receives moderate rainfall throughout the year, with the highest rainfall occurring during the summer months of November to March. The humidity level is moderate, making for comfortable living conditions.
Make Glen Austin AH your home, your story.
Seeff Properties Midrand is thrilled to offer our expert services to all clients looking to find their dream homes in the beautiful suburb of Glen Austin. Our team of experienced professionals has an in-depth knowledge of the area and can help guide you every step of
the way.
With a wide range of properties available, we can assist you in finding the perfect home to suit your needs. The Seeff team at Seeff Midrand services Glen Austin AH. Contact them here.

6 Residential Homes For Sale in Glen Austin AH, Midrand

FROM R1,800,000 to R3,900,000

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